A5: Stones Bridge to Pine Tree Landing 2 Day Camping Adventure

Immerse yourself in the wilderness on the “River of Presidents”. Our 2 day, 1 night river adventure stretching for 20 miles on the river. Get acquainted with the Bois Brule State Forest on this magical float that stretches from Stones Bridge to Pine Tree.
Day 1 paddle consists of the tranquil upper river, sending you past the famous Cedar Island Estate and amongst magnificent houses of the 19th and 20th century. Experience the I and II rapids such as Little Joe Hall’s Rapids, ending your 1st day at the Bois Brule campground.
Day 2 sends you through Doodle Bug rapids, under several bridges including a mid 20th century wrought iron train trestle. Much of this section is coined as the meadows. Slow and winding, the river pushes you along a meandering path famous for birdwatching, steel head fishing and seclusion. Your trip ends with a few small rapids before the take out at Pine Tree canoe landing.